​Intervention includes (but is not limited to):​
modifying home, work and social environments;
implementing Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to manage depression, anxiety and anger associated with ADHD;
prescribing assistive technology and aids;
grading (increasing or decreasing the difficulty of an activity);
planning, organising and managing time;
overcoming procrastination;
identifying and managing sensory processing issues;
negotiating workplace accommodations;
educating and supporting those around you;
providing strategies for further studies;
teaching essential financial skills;
- promoting stress management;
- developing effective sleep practices; and
practicing social skills.
Dr Russell Barkley is an internationally recognised authority on ADHD. He recommends:
intervention at the point of performance;
modifying environments;
externalising key information; and
simplifying problem solving [ 1 ]

Alice: "I don't see how he can end, if he never begins."