Why choose occupational therapy?
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The primary aim of occupational therapy is to enable you to participate in activities of daily living to your full potential.
Occupational therapists (OTs) provide evidence-based services to support both mental and physical health and improve general well-being.
OTs measure and record outcomes using a variety of tools, including standardised assessments.
Occupational therapy is practical. OTs enable you to take part in activities you need, want, or are expected to do. ​​
Want to: save money and travel.
Expected to: share in household chores and listen without interrupting.
- Need to: meet work targets and collect children on time.
Occupational therapists are:
trained to identify individual strengths and address challenges in performing activities;
skilled in modifying environments & selecting aids: excellent problem solvers;
adept at breaking down tasks into manageable steps that encourage task initiation and increase productivity; and
qualified to assess and provide strategies for any sensory processing issues affecting your attention, productivity & overall health.
Occupational therapy is an allied health profession which entails a four-year undergraduate or postgraduate degree. In addition, it:
incorporates extensive training in mental health practice;
requires a minimum 20 hours of professional development every year;
involves ongoing clinical supervision; &
is regulated by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
Alice: “It would be so nice if something would make sense for a change.”